how to implement the algorithm for approximating Cosine using the Taylor series

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
The Taylor Series approximation for Cosine with varying values of n from n=0 to n=4 is given. and i have to use two arguments, theta and n where theta is angle in radians and n is the number of terms.
  4 个评论
madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2020-8-10
Next time please post what you have tried. Please don’t expect others to write your homework.
Rik 2020-8-10
turns out it did not work before because I was using an alternative for Matlab. I would like to remove it
The mere fact you were using Octave doens't make this question not appropriate for Matlab Answer. I would even suggest it is more relevant here if it doesn't work on Octave. In case you think of removing your question and/or change your username to avoid detection of cheating on your homework: don't bother. I have made a copy below, and site admin are generally able to restore such edits.
how to implement the algorithm for approximating Cosine using the Taylor series
The Taylor Series approximation for Cosine with varying values of n from n=0 to n=4 is given. and i have to use two arguments, theta and n where theta is angle in radians and n is the number of terms.



Vladimir Sovkov
Vladimir Sovkov 2020-8-10
syms theta

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