problems of using deploy fuction to create yolov2 c++ code for raspberry pi

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
here i use the matlab code deploy function to create the yolov2 c++ code in raspberry pi, but some problems occured after the code compliation.
when i use the armcompute version v19.02 with debug=1 to complie and build the code, there is an error when i deploy the code in matlab:
'terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): in validate_arguments src/core/NEON/kernels/NEDepthwiseWeightsReshapeKernel.cpp:92: biases->dimension(0) != input->dimension(2)
if i set the debug=0, this erro will disappear and the code can be successfully generated. but when i use the generated code to run on the raspberry pi, the elf progamme can be started but there is nothing response from the device. i also try deploy sample in this link in my environment, it can successfully work.
i setup my environment follow the process below:
1. install arm-software computelibrary
git config --global http.sslverify false
git clone
cd ComputeLibrary
git tag -l
git checkout v19.02
-(to build the arm_compute library and make the, in 'lib folder')
sudo apt-get install scons
scons debug=0 neon=1 opencl=0 arch=armv7a
mkdir lib
mv /build/*.so /lib/
2.install userland
download userland on '' and unzip it to opt folder
(or git clone
cd /opt/userland;
sudo ./buildme
sudo ldconfig
3.install nanomsg-1.0.0
sudo unzip -d /tmp
cd /tmp/nanomsg-1.0.0 ;
mkdir build ;
cd build
sudo cmake .. ;
sudo cmake --build .
sudo cmake --build . --target install
sudo ldconfig
4. sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev
5. edit arm computelibrary in /.bashrc
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
# for examples
# If not running interactively
case $- in
*i*) ;;
*) export ARM_COMPUTELIB=~/ComputeLibrary
export PATH=${PATH}:~/ComputeLibrary
the fuction code and deploy.m i use is below here:
function yolov2_detect_arm_vid()
persistent yolov2obj;
%for raspberry pi opencv library build
opencv_linkflags = '`pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv`';
if isempty(yolov2obj)
yolov2obj = coder.loadDeepLearningNetwork('yolov2.mat','yolov2');
host = raspi();
cam = webcam(host,1);
imgsize = [416,416,3];
fps = 0;
for k = 1:1800
img = snapshot(cam);
img = imresize(img,imgsize(1:2));
[bboxes,~,labels] = detect(yolov2obj,img);
elapsedtime = toc;
fps = 0.9*fps + 0.1*(1/elapsedtime);
fprintf('fps: %f\n',fps);
if isempty(bboxes) || isempty(labels)
img = insertText(img, [5,5],fps);
img = insertObjectAnnotation(img,'rectangle',bboxes,labels);
img = insertText(img,[5,5],fps);
board = targetHardware('Raspberry Pi');
board.DeviceAddress = 'xxx';
board.Username = 'xx';
board.Password = 'xx';
board.BuildDir = '/home/pi/matlab_arm_codegen/';
board.CoderConfig.TargetLang = 'C++';
dlcfg = coder.DeepLearningConfig('arm-compute');
dlcfg.ArmArchitecture = 'armv7';
dlcfg.ArmComputeVersion = '19.02';
board.CoderConfig.DeepLearningConfig = dlcfg;
is anyone can help with this problem?
best regards
  2 个评论
Reeno Joseph
Reeno Joseph 2020-8-21
Hi liheng mo,
Can you please clarify the below items.
  1. OpenCV based APIs are not used in “yolov2_detect_arm_vid”. Do you really need those openCV linkage flags?
  2. There is an example that does classification with resnet-50. (Link). Is it working fine?
  3. Raspberry Pi support package comes with a customized Raspbian image (ARM compute 19.05 included). You can try that if you don’t have any version-specific dependency. Just follow the hardware setup screens.
I’ll check the issue related to debug flag and will get back to you.
Meruzhan Hovhannisyan
I also tried this technique, nothing good came out. When compiling, it returns the error "Calling the code generation implementation function 'code.internal.const' from the user function 'insertObjectAnnotation/validateAndParseOptInputs_cg' is not supported. Please contact technical support for help."


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