Why do I get incorrect argument when calling "indeces"?

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Why do I get this error about indeces?
" 'Check for missing argument or incorrect argument data type in call to function 'indices'. Error in AdaptdFilteredThenFFTed (line 38) indices PSD>35000; "
I'm borrowing the line of code defining it and any other lines using it from another program.
dt = .001;
t = 0:dt:3.999;
ich = AdaptiveFilteredData.VarName1;
qch = AdaptiveFilteredData.VarName2;
%% Amp vs Time plot
grid on
%% FFTed
Nsamps = length(ich); % Window length
y_fft = abs(fft(ich)); %Retain Magnitude
%f = fs(1/(dt*n)*(0:n));
f = fs*(0:Nsamps/2-1)/Nsamps; %Prepare freq data for plot
%% Plot Mag vs Freq
plot(f, y_fft(1:length(f)));
%Magnitude vs Freplot(f, y_fft); % FFT plot
xlim([0 1]);
ylabel('FFT Magnitude');
grid on
%% Clean Then Revert
PSD = y_fft.*conj(y_fft)/Nsamps;
indices PSD>35000;
PSDclean = PSD.*indices;
fhat = indices.*fhat;
ffilt = ifft(fhat);
%% PlotClean Amp vs T


Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2020-8-13
You're missing the equals sign (=) that would assign the result of the computation PSD>35000 to the variable indices, so MATLAB thinks you're trying to pass the char vector 'PSD>35000' into a function named indices. To fix, add the equals sign.

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