Input not numeric? error

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AdaptFFTCleand.mat is a 4000x2 matrix of positve and negative real numbers. This is the error I get when running said code:
Error using filter
Invalid data type. Input arrays must be numeric or logical.
Error in LifeSings (line 18)
z1=filter(B,1,data(:,2)); % I channel signal
Error is in line 14 :"z1=filter(B,1,data(:,2)); % I channel signal
clear all
load AdptFFTCleand.mat
ich = AdptFFTCleand.VarName1;
qch = AdptFFTCleand.VarName1;
data = AdptFFTCleand ; % import data options
fs=100; % Sampling frequency
fc=40; % carrier frequency (corner frequency)
fc_n = fc .* 2 /fs; % normalized frequency
B = fir1(1000,fc_n); % filter basics
z1=filter(B,1,data(:,2)); % I channel signal
z2=filter(B,1,data(:,4)); % Q channel signal
I=z1; % I data filtered
Q=z2; % Q data filtered
hiFreq =20;
S = size (I); % Check the size of data
fs = 100; % Sampling Frequency
%fs=1000; % Samopling frequency
f = 2440e6; % Carrier Frequency
%f=24e9; % carrier frequency
lambda = 3e8/f; % Calculate wavelength of carrier signal
% Convert # of samples to time
Array = 1:1:S(1,1);
Array = Array';
Time = Array/fs;
% Time = Time(100:end,1);
% DC_Removing
I_no_dc = I - mean (I);
Q_no_dc = Q - mean (Q);
% Arctangent demodulation
Xt = atan2(Q_no_dc, I_no_dc);
Xt = unwrap(Xt);
% Displacement Calculation
D = (lambda .* Xt)/(4*pi);
Nsamps = length(Xt); % Window length
y_fft = abs(fft(Xt)); %Retain Magnitude
y_fft = y_fft(1:Nsamps/2); %Discard Half of Points
% y_fft_dc = abs(fft(Xt_dc)); %Retain Magnitude
% y_fft_dc = y_fft_dc(1:Nsamps/2); %Discard Half of Points
f = fs*(0:Nsamps/2-1)/Nsamps; %Prepare freq data for plot
I_fft = abs(fft(I)); %Retain Magnitude
I_fft = I_fft(1:Nsamps/2); %Discard Half of Points
Q_fft = abs(fft(Q)); %Retain Magnitude
Q_fft = Q_fft(1:Nsamps/2); %Discard Half of Points
% Power Spectrum Density
P_I = 1/(Nsamps*fs)*abs(I_fft(1:Nsamps/2)).^2;
P_Q = 1/(Nsamps*fs)*abs(Q_fft(1:Nsamps/2)).^2;
[y_max index] = max(P_I(2:end));
% Plot Graphs
figure (1);
subplot(2,2,1) % new subplot option
plot (Time, I);
legend ('I');
xlim([10 60])
title ('I channel');
xlabel ('Time [s]');
ylabel ('Amplitude [V]');
plot (Time, Q, 'r');
xlim([10 60])
legend ('Q');
title ('Q channel');
xlabel ('Time [s]');
ylabel ('Amplitude [V]');
plot(f, I_fft)
xlim([0 2])
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
title ('I channel FFT');
% set(gca,'FontSize',20);
plot(f, Q_fft)
xlim([0 2])
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
title ('Q channel FFT');
  1 个评论
Matt J
Matt J 2020-8-14
Did you intend to attach AdaptFFTCleand.mat? We cannot run the code otherwise.



Matt J
Matt J 2020-8-14
编辑:Walter Roberson 2020-8-14
AdaptFFTCleand is a 4000x2 matrix of positve and negative real numbers.
It isn't possible that AdptFFTCleand is a numeric matrix if you are able to index it like a struct in these lines,
ich = AdptFFTCleand.VarName1;
qch = AdptFFTCleand.VarName1;
Hence also, data as set up this way,
data = AdptFFTCleand ;
would also be a struct and not a numeric variable. That would explain why filter() complains.

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