The error 'Matrix dimensions must agree' during optimization.How can it be solved?

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I have the following code where 'Ymeas' is an array of measured values and must be fitted with estimated values-'Yest' meanwhile optimizing K1 using an ode.The objective function is the sum of squares of difference b/w Ymeas and Yest. Ymeas and Yest are 11X2 arrays. It optimizes for a while and then the following error is shown:
'Matrix dimensions must agree.'
function optimize
[K1] = deal(3.5);
Ymeas = [
1 1
0.8696 0.8696
0.7692 0.7692
0.6897 0.6897
0.625 0.625
0.5714 0.5714
0.5263 0.5263
0.4878 0.4878
0.4545 0.4545
0.4255 0.4255
0.4 0.4 ];
hold on;
h = plot(T,Ymeas,'k','linewidth',2);
minERR = Inf;
opts = optimset('fminunc');
opts.LargeScale = 'off';
Xest = fminunc(@(X)objfun(X),[0],opts);
Xest = num2cell(Xest);
[K1] = deal(Xest{:}),
function ERR = objfun(X);
X = num2cell(X);
[K1] = deal(X{:});
[T,Yest] = ode45(@(t,y)[-K1*y(1)*y(2);
ERR = sum((Ymeas(:) - Yest(:)).^2);
if ERR < minERR
minERR = ERR;
for n = 1:2; set(h(n),'Ydata',Yest(:,n)); end
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-1-8
What are you expecting from your line
[K1] = deal(X{:});
The only point of that I can see at the moment is to issue an error message if X was not a scalar.
Nitin Samuel
Nitin Samuel 2013-1-8
oh..but even without that , how can there be a problem with the matrix dimensions? Dimensions of both Ymeas and Yest are constant and only the values of Yest change...So why exactly is there an issue with the dimensions? Thanks...



Teja Muppirala
Teja Muppirala 2013-1-8
The problem occurs when K1 is negative. The ODE solver blows up before it can integrate to all your time values. You should specify a constraint that forces K1 to be >= 0. For example, you might use FMINCON instead of FMINUNC.
  6 个评论
Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2013-1-8
Take a look at the syntax for bounds. You should write
Xest = fmincon(@(X)objfun(X),[0,0],[],[],[],[],[0,0],[],[],opts);
Or pick a better point than [0,0] for x0.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation


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