Xtick in timeseries Plot

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
j_solar 2013-1-17
I am plotting a timeseries and I can't manage to choose the Xtick on it.
I automatically get values like:
05:00 05:48 06:36 07:24 08:12 ............. in the Xaxis for a days values
I would like to change it to whole values like
05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00
ty for the help


owr 2013-1-17
This may not be the cleanest solution, but it should work well enough, or give you some ideas at least.
1) Draw your graph
x = 4.3:0.1:9.2;
y = x.^2;
2) Set the axis xtick to your specified values
xt = 5:1:8;
3) If you want your custom time based format, convert the xtick values to text with your specified formatting, override xtick labels
fun = @(n) sprintf('%02d:00',n);
xtl = arrayfun(foo,xt,'uniformoutput',false);
  4 个评论
owr 2013-1-17
If your time is measured in decimals, just sample 'xt' in 0.5 increments:
xt = 5:0.5:8
You'll then need a function that converts decimals to hours, minutes, etc.
"datevec" might do the trick if you're using serial dates for your time array:
[y,m,d,h,mn,s] = datevec(now)
Sounds like a fun project, good luck
j_solar 2013-1-18
uhm, I tried it but I don't think it works in my case.
I have an array of values every minute(1440 values from 00:00 to 23:59) and I want to plot it vs time and I want time to go every half an hour from 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30... to 20:00.
xt must start in 300 otherwise it doesn't plot it in the right place. I have tried xt = 300:30:1200 but it doesn't work well. I think I need to change
fun = @(n) sprintf('%02d:00', n);
to add the minutes


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