Missing GDB debug info for MEX-files compiled with MinGW64

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I'm trying to debug a MEX-file using GDB with the MinGW64 (from the MATLAB Support for MinGW-w64 C/C++ Compiler version 19.1.0). The code is compiled using the MATLAB mex command with the -g option. I'm using MATLAB 2019a.
I get the MATLAB PID with the command
then I run gdb (C:\ProgramData\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2019a\3P.instrset\mingw_w64.instrset\bin\gdb.exe).
I enter options in GDB and attach the process
handle SIGSEGV nostop
attach 6492
Then I run the degugging:
Finally, I get this message from GDB:
No debug info for C:\Users\... COMPLETE PATH ...\Mex.mexw64
Specifying symbol file in GDB does not solve the problem:
symbol-file "C:\\Users\\ ... COMPLETE PATH ... \\Mex.mexw64"

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