I keep getting License Manager Error -9

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I've searched all across the forum and tried everything suggested, including:
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling
  • Installing a newer version
  • Deactivating and reactivating my computer
  • Downloading and updating the license file
  • Activating automatically using the internet
  • Confirming that the HostID matches my computer (Windows command prompt gives me xxxx-abcx, and on the MatLab license manager it has it as xxxxabcx, so missing the dash, even though I included it when adding the computer)
  • Confirming that the username matches via command prompt
I have not installed or activated, or even attempted to install and activate MatLab on another computer. I am attempting to install MatLab on a Lenovo Yoga 720 15-ikb running the latest version of Windows 10. Thanks for you time.

回答(1 个)

Sourabh Kondapaka
Sourabh Kondapaka 2020-9-14
You may find an answer to a similar question asked here.
You can find similar questions asked in the community link1 , link2.


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