Best practice for multiple Matlab session that want to call the same function from an .m file ?

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I run 10 matlab session - 10 GUI independently and each of these sessions want to call to the function that I wrote in a file called Calculation.m extensively.
The reason for this is because in a single matlab session I need to do parallel computation where each worker call the funtion Calculation.m concurently in a parfor loop.
I also run 10 of these matlab session using 10 different local profile: that is LocalProfile1,LocalProfile2,LocalProfile3...LocalProfile10 since I orbserve that If they use the same default local profile, they are extremely slow.
Which of these practice are prefer:
Method 1: 10 indepedent matlab session share the same Calculation.m
Method 2: 10 indepedent matlab session use independent Calculation1.m, Calculation2.m, Calculation3.m... Calculation10.m
Thank you very much


Gaurav Garg
Gaurav Garg 2020-9-16
Both of the methods would work fine without any changes in function (output behaviour) and/or performance.
That's because MATLAB creates a temporary file when you call a script/function for execution. So, in your case, you won't face any problem with either of the methods.

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