getting an error message when installing third party package

15 次查看(过去 30 天)
I’m having some trouble with trying to install the MATLAB support package for Arduino hardware. When it reached the third part installation, it gives me an error. Is there anyway you might be able to help?
  2 个评论
Eric Prandovsky
Eric Prandovsky 2020-11-3
Make sure you "Allow" terminal to make changes. When installing arduino support package, it also installs arduino and associated libraries. The installer uses the command line to do this


回答(1 个)

Sourabh Kondapaka
Sourabh Kondapaka 2020-9-17
编辑:Sourabh Kondapaka 2020-9-17
If your error is something like this : "You need the MATLAB Arduino support package before you can use this feature. Open Add‑On Explorer to install the required support package", even when you can see the support package installed in the Add On Manager, then please do the following :
>> rehash toolboxcache
>> matlabshared.supportpkg.getSupportPackageRoot
>> addpath <output of command above>
>> savepath
If the issue is still not resolved, please run the following command on MATLAB Command Window:
>> which('arduinoio.internal.Utility')
If you see the below error message, please re-install the support package.
'arduinoio.internal.Utility' not found.
Re-installing the support package should resolve the issue.
If the error is something like this:
Failed to install the third-party software: Arduino software
Something Unexpected Occurred
These are generic error messages typically caused by a permissions issue, a connection error, or a corrupted installation.
1) Permissions related errors
In order for most support packages to complete installation, the Support Package Installer requires sufficient permissions. If installing the Arduino Support Package with the Add-Ons Explorer, restart MATLAB with elevated privileges to resolve any potential permissions issues.
2) Connection errors
At this time, Arduino Support Packages are not available for offline installations. In order to resolve any connection errors, please refer to the following article:
Why do I get a connection error when installing or activating MATLAB or another MathWorks product?
If installing on a Windows or MacOS machine, you may also reboot the machine in Safe Mode to bypass any potential security software conflicts.
Note: For Windows Machines, verify that BitLocker is not enabled before attempting to boot in Safe Mode.
3) Corrupted installation
You may perform a clean installation of the support packages to remove any potential corruptions. To do this, follow these steps:
How do I perform a clean re-installation of a Support Package?


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