How to plot Multiple trend-lines on one scatter plot

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi every one,
I have a scatter plot and I need to do a second order trend line for some part of my data (just for the values less than 15 or 10 on x axis). Do you know how can I do that?

回答(1 个)

KSSV 2020-9-13
编辑:KSSV 2020-9-14
You can pick those respective points and fit a curve to plot the trend. Let x,y be your points.
x1 = x(x<=15) ; % pick points less than 15
y1 = y(x<=15) ;
p1 = polyfit(x1,y1,1) ; % Fit a line
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  11 个评论
Nicky T
Nicky T 2020-9-14
those are temperature. I have an excel file with lots of data.



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