how can i convert the grey scale image 1 to grey scale image 2?

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i need to convert this image1 to image so,that it will be easy to find out the length.
  2 个评论
Sourabh Kondapaka
Sourabh Kondapaka 2020-9-17
编辑:Sourabh Kondapaka 2020-9-17
Looks like you are essentially trying to do the following:
1) Crop the image.
2) Rotate the image.
3) Mark certain points on the image.
But the image1.jpg after the first 2 transformations does not match with image2.jpg.
Please let me know if doing the above 3 transformations was your query ?
basha Shaik
basha Shaik 2020-9-18
in the image2. jpg the area look like traingle can u help me to find that area of traingle ?


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