The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target error

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??? Error: File: Plot_dist_az_vary.m Line: 39 Column: 8 The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment.
this line of code is where the error is:
disleg = {'0.1595km 0.1595km 0.1595km 0.1595km','0.2307km 0.2307km 0.2307km 0.2307km','0.2368km 0.2368km 0.2368km 0.2368km','0.2389km 0.2389km 0.2389km 0.2389km','0.2515km 0.2515km 0.2515km 0.2515km','0.2859km 0.2859km 0.2859km 0.2859km','0.2982km 0.2982km 0.2982km 0.2982km','0.4011km 0.4011km 0.4011km 0.4011km','0.4826km 0.4826km 0.4826km 0.4826km','0.6827km 0.6827km 0.6827km 0.6827km'};
but it is all one line. If i comment it out then the error goes to the next line and then the next where i know they definitely are not wrong.
  5 个评论
Mason 2013-1-24
well, no i dont. Here is all of the code before that line.
load CM_CN.mat %(MTcomponents,MTcomponents,frequency,distance,azimuthal coverage)
nt = 2048;
dt = .004;
freq = (0:nt/2)'/dt/nt; % frequency vector
posi = get(0,'ScreenSize');
lab1 = {'real M_x_x ','imag M_x_x ','real M_x_y ','imag M_x_y ','real M_x_z ','imag M_x_z ','real M_y_y ','imag M_y_y ','real M_y_x ','imag M_y_z ','real M_z_z ','imag M_z_z ',};
lab2 = {'real M_x_x','imag M_x_x','real M_x_y','imag M_x_y','real M_x_z','imag M_x_z','real M_y_y','imag M_y_y','real M_y_z','imag M_y_z','real M_z_z','imag M_z_z',};
lab3 = {'ReMxx','ImMxx','ReMxy','ImMxy','ReMxz','ImMxz','ReMyy','ImMyy','ReMyz','ImMyz','ReMzz','ImMzz',};
% color = {'b.','b.','g.','g.','r.','r.','c.','c.','m.','m.','k.','k.'};
color = {'b','b.-','g','g.-','r','r.-','c','c.-','m','m.-','k','k.-'};
% color = {'bo-','bx-','go-','gx-','ro-','rx-','co-','cx-','mo-','mx-','ko-','kx-'};
az4tit = {['[0',char(176),' 90',char(176),' 180',char(176),' 270',char(176),']'],['[0',char(176),' 90',char(176),' 180',char(176),']']
disleg = {'0.1595km 0.1595km 0.1595km 0.1595km','0.2307km 0.2307km 0.2307km 0.2307km','0.2368km 0.2368km 0.2368km 0.2368km','0.2389km 0.2389km 0.2389km 0.2389km','0.2515km 0.2515km 0.2515km 0.2515km','0.2859km 0.2859km 0.2859km 0.2859km','0.2982km 0.2982km 0.2982km 0.2982km','0.4011km 0.4011km 0.4011km 0.4011km','0.4826km 0.4826km 0.4826km 0.4826km','0.6827km 0.6827km 0.6827km 0.6827km'};



Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2013-1-24
编辑:Azzi Abdelmalek 2013-1-24
In the line
there is missing } at the end

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