why the image has no color in this code?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
when i run this code the image with title""('rgbimage inside if');"" show as binary image .id don't know why?? here is the code and u can download the mat file from "u.mat" http://www.mediafire.com/?tf3ef09n4it3aa2 and "var.mat" http://www.mediafire.com/?ovn31e28d51eb1c
filename = 'u.mat';
matObj = matfile(filename);
moving = matObj.u;
I2 = matObj.im1;
filename2 = 'var.mat';
matObj = matfile(filename2);
storedColorMap = matObj.storedColorMap;
figure, imshow(moving,[]), title('binary gradient ');impixelinfo;
[rrr ccc] = size(I2);
moving = imresize(moving, [rrr ccc]);
rgbImage = moving;
% Read in image into an array.
[rows columns numberOfColorBands] = size(rgbImage);
% If it's monochrome (indexed), convert it to color.
% Check to see if it's an 8-bit image needed later for scaling).
if strcmpi(class(rgbImage), 'uint8')
% Flag for 256 gray levels.
eightBit = true;
eightBit = false;
if numberOfColorBands == 1
if isempty(storedColorMap)
% Just a simple gray level image, not indexed with a stored color map.
% Create a 3D true color image where we copy the monochrome image into all 3 (R, G, & B) color planes.
rgbImage = cat(3, rgbImage, rgbImage, rgbImage);
figure,imshow(rgbImage);title('rgbimage inside if');
% It's an indexed image.
rgbImage = ind2rgb(rgbImage, storedColorMap);
figure,imshow(rgbImage,[]);title('rgbimage inside esle');
% ind2rgb() will convert it to double and normalize it to the range 0-1.
% Convert back to uint8 in the range 0-255, if needed.
if eightBit
rgbImage = uint8(255 * rgbImage);


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-1-28
You show "moving" as a "binary gradient". Then you convert "moving" to an RGB image by splicing three copies of it together, into the RGB planes. The locations in the binary array "moving" that were 0 will become [0,0,0] (black) and the locations in the binary array "moving" that were 1 will become [1,1,1] (white), so the result will still look like a binary image.
  11 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013-1-29
A floating point RGB image would be a color image with the values not being integers in the set 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...255. For example an image that had all kinds of continuous values ranging from -34.1147 to +290.2591. Casting to uint8 should work unless all the values are less than 0 and more than 255.
Isee You
Isee You 2013-1-29
thanks a lot i use
moving= uint8(moving);
and it work will thanks a lot


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