how to split large vector in small vector groups ?

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how to split large coloumn vector in small vector group ?
i am using audio file input, it gave me very large coloumn vector and because of this simulation takes more time.
this is code where i am using audio file as an input.
[fi fs]= wavread('sound1'); % /* read file into memory(its 44.1 khz signal) */
fi2 = fi(:,1); % taking left column vector as a mono input
tt=0:1/fs:(length(fi2)-1)/fs; % /* time duration */
[T,Y]=ode45(@(t,y) myeqd(t,y,ti,fi2),tt,[1;1;30]);
plot (T,Y)
********************************************************************* thank you

回答(1 个)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2013-1-28
Use reshape function

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