Locate elements of a vector inside a meshgrid

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to build a matrix RES, with the same dimensions of X and Y, that has a '1' in the position pointed (with a tollerance tollX and tollY) by the i-th couple contained in V.
V=[2.1 1.2;
0.2 0.7;
3.1 1.9;
1.6 -1];
for i=1:length(V)
This "rough" solution works well with small meshgrids and V, but since i have to manage far bigger data sets i would like to vectorize and refine the code to get better performances.
P.S. I expected '&' operator to be faster in general than ' .* ', but this doesn't seem to be true, at least for my case.
To test this I simply changed the statement inside the for loop with this one:

回答(1 个)

Rik 2020-10-6
I would suggest using ismembertol, or consider functions like normxcorr2 from the image processing toolbox.
  3 个评论
Rik 2020-10-6
I'm not quite sure how implicit expansion (with bsxfun) would increase performance. I suspect ismembertol would be more efficient. I also don't necessarily see how find would be useful.
Alberto Belvedere
Alberto Belvedere 2020-10-6
Thanks, i'll do some tests to see which one performs better.



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