How to do classifier chain for Machine Learning in Matlab ?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I need to build a classifier chain for my machine learning problem since it considers dependencies between labels.
My matlab version is 2020a, does the deep learning toolbox support this technique ?
Thank you !
  1 个评论
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020-10-7
It seems that such chaining is not yet fully supported in MATLAB's deep learning toolbox. If you open the deep network designer
you can see that the output of the classification layer cannot be fed into anything else. However, the output of the softmax layer can be passed to another layer. So, if you are contented with using the output of the softmax layer, in chaining, instead of actual output, then it is possible.
This explanation is just about the app, though. I have no idea if it is possible programmatically.


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