For same Matrix subtraction between rows

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I have matrix size (1508 x 19).
I want to do subtraction between rows like Row 1 - Row 2, Row 1 - Row 4, Row 1 - Row 6, Row 1 - Row 8, Row 1 - Row 10, Row 1 - Row 12, Row 1 - Row 14,
Row 1 - Row 16, Row 1 - Row 18.
without changing the size of a matrix and remainng rows like (row 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19) stay same in matrix.
Can some one help me please
Thank you in advance...
  1 个评论
João Mendes
João Mendes 2020-10-14
So what do you want as a result?
A matrix where the first row is row1-row2? The second one row1-row4? and so on?
What is your final goal?



Asad (Mehrzad) Khoddam
a(2:2:end,:) = a(1,:)-a(2:2:end,:);
  3 个评论


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