Running a for loop for a function across two variables

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Hey all! I am trying to model the average temperature changes of the atmosphere and the earth's surface and I would like to see how changing surface albedo AND the longwave abosrbtion properties of the atmosphere affect the temp values of the model. so i created a function, declared surface albedo and lw absorbtion. Then in another script a created a nested for loop to see if i can get these variables to play with each other but the loop wont work. I think the problem is in my for my equations? thanks
%% earth emission increase
for n = 1:10
lwabsorbedatm = n/2;
for n = 1:10
surface_albedo = n/2;
plot(.2:.2:2, Tatm)
hold on
plot(.2:.2:2, Tsurf)
hold off
axis([0 2 100 400])
%% and my function
function [Tatm, Tsurf] = modelwithatm(lwabsorbedatm,surface_albedo)
albedo =.31;
Ks = 1361; %W m-2
Re = 6173; %km
Sigma = 5.67E-8;%E m-2 k-4
Epsilon = 1;
% with atm variables
atm_albedo = .35;
%surface_albedo = .2;
swradiation_sun = .9;
lwradiation_sun = .1;
% atm absorbs .95 ALL lw and .02 ALL sw multiply by these values
Epsilon_atm = .9;
%lwabsorbedatm = .95
syms Tsurf
syms Tatm
% absorbed by atm = 2swvectors sun/earthreflection, 2lw vectors sun/earth
% absorbed by surface sw sun, lw sun, lw atm
a = Ks*.9*pi*Re^2*0.02; % sun to atm
d = Ks*.9*pi*Re^2*(1-.02 -.35)*.2*.02; %sun to surface to atm
c = Ks*.9*pi*Re^2*(1-.02 -.35)*(1-surface_albedo); %sw sun to surface
q =Ks*.1*pi*Re^2*lwabsorbedatm; %Lw sun to atm
f = Ks*.1*pi*Re^2*(1-.95); % lw sun to surface
y = 4*pi*Re^2*Epsilon*Sigma*Tsurf^4*lwabsorbedatm; %lw earth to atm % whats the vibe?
z = 4*pi*Re^2*Epsilon_atm*Sigma*Tatm^4; %lw from atm to surface
p = 4*pi*Re^2*Epsilon*Sigma*Tsurf^4;%lw to atm % whats the vibe?
%what could change? what wont? why would they change?
%emission vectors
%lw emitted from surface = p
%lw emitted from atm or 2*z = atm emission
%sw emitted from atm = sun reflected to space = a (.98) rather than .02 &
%albedo .35 so basically c
%absorbption & emission equations pieces
Energy_absorbed_atm = a + d + q + (p*.95); %swsuntoatm + swsuntoearthtoatm + lwsuntoatm + lwearthtoatm
Energy_absorbed_surf = c + f + z; %swsuntoearth + lwsuntoearth + lwatmtoearth
Energy_emitted_atm = 2*z; %lwatmbothvectors
Energy_emitted_surface = p; %lwfromearth
%packed equations solving for temperatures
equationa = (Energy_absorbed_atm == Energy_emitted_atm);
equations = (Energy_absorbed_surf == Energy_emitted_surface);
[tempa, temps] = solve([equationa, equations],[Tatm,Tsurf]);
%equation solutions for temperature in absolute terms
Tsurf = abs(real(double(temps(1))))
Tatm = abs(real(double(tempa(1))))
  1 个评论
Theodore Anderson
Theodore Anderson 2020-10-15
% Define t and g
% Use a loop to compute a value that depends on t(k) and g(1:k)
for k = 1 : length(t)
% Get the scalar t, and g array needed
this_t = t(k);
this_g = g(1:k);
% Now pass those to some function
% that will compute an output value.
output(k) = SomeFunction(this_t, this_g);
% Print to command window
might something like this work?


回答(1 个)

Sudhakar Shinde
Sudhakar Shinde 2020-10-15
编辑:Sudhakar Shinde 2020-10-15
looks like your function is 2 input arguments and 2 output arguments:
function [Tatm, Tsurf] = modelwithatm(lwabsorbedatm,surface_albedo)
But you are calling by 1 input argument and 2 output argument. try replcing input argument by(~) whenever you dont want.
or else you can call this fucntion:
for n = 1:10
lwabsorbedatm = n/2;
surface_albedo = n/2;


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