Hi, I have obtained these curves from the mentioned program. I'd like to make the blue curve more smoother which can be done by increasing the power of parameter "num" as shown in the program. However increasing the value of "num" from certain limit causes the data to exceed the computer memory making matlab unable to run the data and shows the following error. How to cope with this problem?
load data.mat;
T = data(1,:);
PHF = data(2,:);
I1 = cumtrapz(T,PHF.*sin(T))/2;
I1 = I1/max(I1);
FOV_e = 0;
t = 0;
FOV_r = 0.002;
R = 0.1;
H = 300;
D = 1002;
a = 0.01725;
w0 = 1;
num =10^8;
max_order = 7;
S = zeros(num,10);
P = zeros(num,10);
alt_r= 1002:6:1302;
S_sig = zeros(length(alt_r),max_order);
Error in zk_mc (line 20)
S = zeros(num,100);
>> zk_mc
Requested 100000000x11 (8.2GB) array exceeds maximum array size preference. Creation of arrays greater than this limit may take a
long time and cause MATLAB to become unresponsive. See array size limit or preference panel for more information.
Error in zk_mc (line 53)
P(i,j) = PPL+D+sqrt(x*x+y*y+(z+D)*(z+D));
total path