how to change, by using commands, the width of lines (whiskers, median, outliers, etc.) and axes of a boxplot?

227 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have plotted several boxplots, but I need to change the format of them. I'd like to make the lines of the boxplots (whiskers, quartiles, median, outliers, etc.) and their axes thicker. However, I don't know how to do that by using commands. Could you help me?


Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov 2011-4-26
Call boxplot in the foloowing way:
h = boxplot(rand(100,6));
or use directly:
To set axes width:
  4 个评论
Wenxuan Liang
Wenxuan Liang 2021-3-29
It only changes the line thickness of the bounding box of the plot, but not "the lines of the boxplots (whiskers, quartiles, median, outliers, etc.) "...


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