Speed control of a Pneumatic /Air turbine Motor

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
hi I am looking to develop a Simulink model : - Speed control of pneumatic motor and I am looking for some sort of help as I am new to both simulink and pneumatics.
I have concept in my mind i want to use Model reference control system for the speed control. The model controls the input (Air pressure ) using Pressure regulator and the speed of the turbine is controlled y regulating the pressure but the problem is I do not have the dynamics of the motor and this motor is a axial Turbine type which is similar to the Gas turbine (It is used in Electrostatic Rotary Bells in painting process)
Please help me with some suggestion or if any one have dynamics of the motor. or equations which I can use in the model.
regards Ajay

回答(1 个)

Ryan G
Ryan G 2013-2-5
There is a simscape exmaple that may get you started.


更多回答在  Power Electronics Control


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