polyval doesn't recognise input as numeric value

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello to all,
I want to create a loop where a value x is calculated through interpolation. In the first run "x = polyval(p,y);" works fine. In the end of the first run I get:
x =
In the second run where x has changed, even though x is a number, polyval gives me an error saying "Error using filter Invalid data type. Input arrays must be numeric or logical.". Putting the value manually doesn't give the error.
Has anyone faced this error before?
Best regards,
Paris Pasqualin
  2 个评论
KSSV 2020-11-1
It will work for all the cases if the input is double. You need not to use a loop, you can input x as an array. Show us how was x which threw error.
Paris Pasqualin
Paris Pasqualin 2020-11-1
I'm afraid I explained myself really badly, please let me reformulate.
I use vpasolve() to solve a set of equations which represents my system. Some parameters, which appear in the set of equations, depend on the value x which is one of the inputs in my system.
s = polyval(p_s,x);
p = polyval(p_s,x);
y is the output of the system. In the second run I want x = y to simulate a multistage system. “x = y” gives a value in the form of:
x =
On the second run when I calculate s and p, I get the error saying:
" Error using filter
Invalid data type. Input arrays must be numeric or logical.
Error in polyval (line 56)
y = filter(1,[1 -x],p); "
I hope this explanation is clearer. Thanks so much for the response.



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020-11-1
the length of the output tells us that x is symbolic not double precision. polyval cannot work on symbolic.
(polyval is easy to code for symbolic use if you have not used centering and scaling)
  4 个评论
John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2020-11-1
编辑:John D'Errico 2020-11-1
If you used vpasolve, then you used a symbolic toobox tool. The result will not be a double or single precision number, but a floating point SYMBOLIC number. polyval CANNOT use that value. Polyval works ONLY on singles or doubles. Just because something looks like a number does not make it a number as it is stored in MATLAB. For example, the string '1.2345' may look like a number, but that does not make it a number, then usable by polyval.
You can convert the output of vpa/vpasolve to a double using double.
Paris Pasqualin
Paris Pasqualin 2020-11-1
Thanks so much for the explanation, very much appreciated


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