Need help about how to use gpu in for loop
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Hello I am trying using gpu on my function called cal_BER. The cal_BER contains a lot of function such as modulate and demodulated and biterr , as wel my own function.
I use cal_BER to calculate the BER for two signals at each value of SNR as following:
for i=1:20 [ ber1(i), ber2(i)] = cal_BER(SNR1(i) , SNR2(i), Number_of_antenna, Modulation_order) end
so, how can I use the gup in this case without make changes in the function cal_BER
Thanks in advance
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回答(1 个)
Jill Reese
I do not believe that there is GPU support for the functions you have mentioned from the Signal Processing Toolbox (modulate, demodulate, biterr). Because of this, I don't think that you can run your code on a GPU without changing your cal_BER function.
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