How I can save and edit data in a table of GUIDE?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm creating a table in GUIDE, but I have some doubts for save and edit data. I have a table with 3 columns and 30 rows, each columns has a name (name, node, voltage). First I don't know how save information that you enter in table, for then do another action with this data.
Initially the table is empty and I want that you enter any data. In the second and third column only I'm entering numbers, but in the first column can be number o names.
Thank you for any help and excuse me for my irregular english.


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-2-18
After the editing is finished, get() the 'Data' property of the uitable. The result will be a cell array. Save the cell array contents in the form appropriate for your purposes.
  1 个评论
Alexander 2013-2-20
Thank you for you help, only needeed to complete with 'data'
But I have another question, Is possible put a restriction in 'uitable'? Where? Could to restrict per column? Can I use the same code that used in editor, like this
if node<0
warndlg('Numbers of nodes can't be negative','CAUTION');
clear node


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