How to display a grid in Simulink 2012b

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Mike 2013-2-26
回答: Jorge 2014-6-11
I used to use the following commands to display a grid in the Simulink editor window. These are now being depreciated in 2012b... is there any other way to display a grid?
set_param(bdroot,'showgrid','on'); set_param(bdroot,'gridSpacing','30');

回答(1 个)

Jorge 2014-6-11
Hi all! I am also in the need of achieving this (i.e. display the grid in the Simulink editor)... could somebody please tell us if it is still possible or if it has been definitely deprecated? It is really cumbersome to produce regular models without the aid of the grid!!!
Thanks in advance for any help!


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