How does resample exactly work?

18 次查看(过去 30 天)
Tanja Dorst
Tanja Dorst 2020-11-17
回答: Mathieu NOE 2020-11-17
I try to find out, what resample is exactly doing.
Therefore, I calculate the filter coefficients with resample.
Then, I construct a constant signal and calculate the steady state zi with the filter, the constant signal and the filter coefficients. After that, I use the filter with the data and zi to get the filtered signal.
I assumed, that the filtered signal and the resampled signal should be the same, but it is not the case. What do I wrong?
[y,b] = resample(data', 1, factor);
const_signal = data(1)*ones(1,length(b));
[~,zi] = filter(b,1.0,const_signal);
x = filter(b,1.0,data,zi);
x = x(1:factor:end);
In this code, x and y are not the same. But I do not understand, why?
Best regards :)

回答(1 个)

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2020-11-17
everything is explained if you type help resample
resample Resample uniform or nonuniform data to a new fixed rate.
Y = resample(X,P,Q) resamples the values, X, of a uniformly sampled
signal at P/Q times the original sample rate using a polyphase
antialiasing filter. If X is a matrix, then resample treats each
column as an independent channel.
have you tried the examples ?
% Example 1:
% Resample a sinusoid at 3/2 the original rate.
tx = 0:3:300-3; % Time vector for original signal
x = sin(2*pi*tx/300); % Define a sinusoid
ty = 0:2:300-2; % Time vector for resampled signal
y = resample(x,3,2); % Change sampling rate
% Example 2:
% Resample a non-uniformly sampled sinusoid to a uniform 50 Hz rate.
Fs = 50;
tx = linspace(0,1,21) + .012*rand(1,21);
x = sin(2*pi*tx);
[y, ty] = resample(x, tx, Fs);


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