Fitting multiple datasets to non-linear coupled ODE's - fminsearch

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I have attached my code for reference.
Essentially, I have two datasets: ch and cm; the former has an additional datapoint (a 12th day).
There are two unknown parameters, beta1 and beta2.
Essentially I want to fit my model to these datasets simultaneously, where I use the least-squares difference method to calculate the error [line 85-95].
When fitting to a single dataset, I understand the aim is to minimise the error. However, in this case I (maybe naively) have just computed a total error by adding these two together.
The code runs perfectly fine, I just wanted to make sure I was doing things correctly.

回答(1 个)

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens 2020-11-26
Why not just use
errT=norm(cellHND - chND)+norm(cellLND - clND);
instead of looping through the sums.
  1 个评论
Alistair McQueen
Alistair McQueen 2020-11-26
Honestly, I am not sure. Thanks though, yields a similar result, varying (I assume) depending on the error calculation used.
I assume this is an adequate way to calculate the total error when considering a fit to multiple datasets?
As my most recent approach to modelling the error is:
errT = sum((((ch(j)-cellH(j))/ch(j))).^2 + (((cl(j)-cellL(j))/cl(j))).^2);



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