Matlab Simulink - simulation problem

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hey guys. I have a simulation problem. I don't know how to simulate(in SIMULINK) function which is not function of time. Here is a function: x(p)={konst. for -30<p<30} {0.2*INT(p*dt) for p<-30 or p>30} INT-integral
My problem is in "p" which goes from -100 till 100.In the following link I gave the task, the graph solution(which I need to get, but I dont know how) and my simulink solution which is not correct.
So to clarify, I dont know how to simulate this function in matlab-simulink

回答(3 个)

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser 2013-3-8
编辑:Andreas Goser 2013-3-8
If it is not a time based simulation, then Simulink sounds not like the tool of choice.
There might be a fundamental issue with the undertanding of what a simulation is and what you need.

Robin Beene
Robin Beene 2013-3-8
I know what you mean and this is nonlinear characteristics of servomotor. So to get this graph, I need to plot a function in Matlab-editor, no way to simulate work of servomotor in SImulink?
  1 个评论
Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser 2013-3-8
Of course you can simulate a servo motor in Simulink. You might want to check products like Simscape for the real stuff. There is already a Servo Motor block. For your application you might want to live with applying the charactristic by a lookup table block in Simulink.


Ricardo A. Baila
Ricardo A. Baila 2016-12-2
>> plot(ToPlot)
Whis plots into:


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