Access various icon images to use with uicontrols

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Is it possible to access the icon images of the various buttons and uicontrols found throughout matlab?
Specifically, I am writing a GUI where I include a pushbutton that calls imcontrast(). I would like to make this button look just like the contrast button in imtool(). I know I can set the CData property of the pushbutton to an image. I just don't know how I can get my hands on the image used for that contrast button in imtool(). Any ideas?
Thanks, Justin
  1 个评论
Justin Solomon
Justin Solomon 2013-3-10
In case anyone is interested. I did some digging around the imtool() file. There's a function called ipticondir(). It returns the directories of various icon images.


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