In "Analyzing Cyclical Data with FFT" example, how the frequency was calculated?

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and how it can be calculated for other examples? is there a general equation or formula to calculate it?


Paul Hoffrichter
Paul Hoffrichter 2020-12-4
If n is even, the following is equivalent to your code:
f = linspace(2/n, 1, n/2) * maxfreq;
  5 个评论
Muhamed Sewidan
Muhamed Sewidan 2020-12-4
Thank you for your fast response.
I have one more question, max frequency value, is it arbitrary or determined on what base?
Paul Hoffrichter
Paul Hoffrichter 2020-12-4
The frequency (in Hz, cycles per second) is very arbitrary depending upon the applications. If talking about radio frequencies, both the min and max frequencies are regulated in every country so that in a small geographical region, two radio stations will not collide with each other.
Although a radio station's frequency is a specific number, there is also a frequency region surrounding this central frequency. For example, if the station's carrier frequency, Fc, is is playing music whose frequecies can go up to 20KHz, then there will be a band of frequencies often from Fc - 20KHz ... Fc + 20KHz, which is a 40KHz bandwidth. So that station will be assigned at least that 40KHz (and probably more) centered on Fc.


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