Overshoot problem with P-controller

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Zoltan 2013-3-26
Hi, I have a simulink model for a p-controller. I have a microcontroller in the loop which acts as the p-controller. It gets the error(between setpoint and output) encoded in ASCII, which i decode in mikroPascal, multiply with the gain K, and send back to simulink. If i use a small gain and there is no overshoot, then it works fine. If there is overshoot, the output value will decrease until minus infinity. I used the discrete transfer function of (1/s^2+2s+1)
This is how it looks like: http://i46.tinypic.com/k1tmr6.png
The 2 gain blocks before and after the main block are valued *1000 and 1/1000 A model which works: http://i50.tinypic.com/r8wopd.png Any ideas why it has a problem with overshoot?
  7 个评论
Zoltan 2013-4-11
So here is the scope with 3 signals:
input_main -> the input signal of the 'main' block(yes, the mikroPascal comes in here), and in fact, its the error (error = actual value - setpoint)
output_main -> outputs the error signal multiplied by Kp (mikroPascal program does this)
final -> plant output
Zoltan 2013-4-12
This problem has been solved. Anyways, thanks for the help.


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