cat map method

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
samia 2011-5-6
I is an image; size(I)=[N N];
A=[1 a; b a*b+1];
where a and b are positive integers and det(A)=1.
I want to change the position of a pixel according to this equation
[x(n+1) y(n+1)]'= (A* [x(n) y(n)]')mod N;
where x and y are the position of pixels (ie i and j)
We say that the equation has period T if the pixel at location (x, y) returns to its original position after being transformed T times. The period T depends on the parameters a, b and size N of the original image.
how can I determine this period with a quick execution? you can see my test code proposed 4 days ago.
thank you

回答(3 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-5-6
This is equivalent to Discrete Logarithm, about which it is said, "No efficient classical algorithm for computing general discrete logarithms logb g is known."
Thus, you should not expect to be able to solve this "with a quick execution".
See the reference for a list of algorithms.
  4 个评论
samia 2011-5-6
if I choose size(I)>=256 the execution takes a long time.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-5-6
Well, Yes, that's the point. There is NO algorithm to do this that executes in polynomial time. No matter what you do, the program will get slower and slower the larger you make your matrix.


Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2011-5-6

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-5-6
Really, you are going about this the wrong way.
Any given pixel will return to its original position if and only if the net transformation matrices applied to it are equivalent to the identity matrix.
First of all, remember the properties of exponentiation and mod: ((x mod P) * (x mod P) * (x mod P) ... * (x mod P)) with a total of N terms, is always equal to (x^N) mod P.
Then, if you examine what you are doing, you will see that net transformation applied to [x,y] after T steps is
(A^T * [x;y]) mod N
and thus the condition that you need to satisfy is that (A^T) mod N is the identity matrix.
You do not need to transform any real matrices and compare them to the original: you just need to keep a running A^T matrix, multiply that by A, take the mod N, and see if you get the identity matrix out.
AI = eye(size(A));
AT = AI;
found = false;
numtries = 3*N;
for T = 1:numtries
AT = mod(AT * A,N);
if isequal(AT, AI); found = true; break;
if ~found
disp('did not find period')
fprintf('period was %d\n', T);
The periods can be tricky to predict by knowing "a" and "b", but perhaps I just did not look at it closely enough.


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