Finding and Extracting Instances from a Text File

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi All,
I have a large text file and I need to save all instances of string which comes after a key_name and are betwen specific characters.
For example, there are many instances of strings in the file - could be numebrs, characters, letters - with unknown length, but in the file they all appear after a known key_name phrase and are between known symbols. Example: key_name/':"/This_is_the_string"/
The format always repeat like this, and I want to search for like < key_name/':"/ > and then in an array store whatever comes after the searched phrase up to the next < "/ > character set. There is no space in the text file.
Thank you for your help
A sample text file is attched. So, I'd like the Matlab script returns an array saying "answer" with three value:
answer = [abc def3ghi JK]


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020-12-16
编辑:Walter Roberson 2020-12-16
Another approach is to use regexp with named tokens
S = fileread('sample_text.txt');
t = regexp(S, 'keyname/'':"(?<kn>[^"]*)', 'names')
This should return a struct array with field kn that holds one key each.
Subhadeep's use of regexp is fine for the exact task you laid out, but if you wanted to extend to the key names and corresponding value tag then named token approach is easier to extend.
  1 个评论
Nima 2020-12-16
Thank you for your answer. Your script worked great. As I replied to the above answer from Subhadeep, his code did find all instances too but it took a few hours to capture, but the script you wrote did the job in less than 5 seconds. I would use this one.


更多回答(1 个)

Subhadeep Koley
Subhadeep Koley 2020-12-16
Hi, the below code might help.
% Open the file
fid = fopen('sample_text.txt');
% Read the file by character
str = fread(fid, 'uint8=>char');
% Close the file
% Search <key_name/':"/> by regural expression matching
[~, endIdx] = regexpi(str', 'key_name/'':"/');
% Find values
result = "";
for ind = 1:length(endIdx)
temp = string(str(endIdx(ind):end)');
result(ind) = strtok(temp, '"/');
  3 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020-12-16
regexp() with 'match' option would have cut out a lot of code. Also, regexp() can work on entire long character vectors, not restricted to line-by-line.



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