up conversion problem in Simulink

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Owen 2013-4-3
I want to up convert a signal with the following structure: The source and a "Sine Wave" block are connected with a "Product" block. Theoretically the up converted frequency is determined by Sine Wave -> Frequency, but actually something strange happens.
By using following parameters:
_Sine Wave block: Frequency = 1000000 Sample time = 1/4000000
Product: Sample time = -1 _ the up converted frequency is about 800 MHz.
By using following parameters:
_Sine Wave block: Frequency = 10000000 Sample time = 1/40000000
Product: Sample time = -1 _ an error occurs: Cannot determine a sample time for block Product.
Who can help me with this problem?
Thanks Owen

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