Split a matrix into a sum of other matrices

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I Have a big matrix (100x100) comprised of both numerical and symbolic variables. Is there any way I can split the matrix above into a sum of matrices of the same size?
example: A=[2*x1, 5*x2; 4*x3, x4]
A= x1*[2, 0; 0 0] + x2*[0, 5; 0 0] + x3*[0, 0; 4 0] + x4*[0, 0; 0 1]
I would hate to do this by hand, so any help to simplify my problem would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You

回答(2 个)

Matt Kindig
Matt Kindig 2013-4-3
How is your matrix currently defined? Are you really combining both numeric elements (e.g. doubles) and symbolic elements (created by sym() function) together?

radu 2013-4-3
short answer: Yes, I have both numerical values(double) and symbols (created with symbolic math toolbox).
At first the matrix was comprised just of symbols (created with syms() ) but in order to simplify the matrix I added values for the constant ones. The rest are time dependent.
The idea is that i do not know the exact values of the symbolic variables, but I know their boundaries.


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