How to write cell array into a csv file

401 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello Everyone, I have a cell array C where the first row is string and the remaining rows contain numbers. How do I write the variable C into a CSV file?
For example,
c = {'abc' 'def' 'ghk';[23],[24],[67];[87],[13],[999];[656],[6767],[546]};


Cedric 2013-4-5
编辑:MathWorks Support Team 2018-11-27
To write the data in C to a CSV file. Use “writetable” in combination with the “cell2table” function.
% Convert cell to a table and use first row as variable names
T = cell2table(c(2:end,:),'VariableNames',c(1,:))
% Write the table to a CSV file
For more information see:
  5 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-10-19
Sara Khalifa's flag moved here:
Great Solution. Thanks!
Bidisha Das
Bidisha Das 2018-8-29
What if I want the csv file in append mode?


更多回答(8 个)

Jon 2013-4-5
You could do it as follows with fprintf
c = {'abc' 'def' 'ghk';[23],[24],[67];[87],[13],[999];[656],[6767],[546]};
fid = fopen('junk.csv','w')
fprintf(fid,'%s, %s, %s\n',c{1,:})
fprintf(fid,'%f, %f, %f\n',c{2:end,:})
  6 个评论
Jalaj Bidwai
Jalaj Bidwai 2013-4-8
Jonathan,Fanstastic. Both of the ways have worked for me..Thank you for the help..I really aprreciate it...
Harsha Vardhana Padullaparti
Jonathan, Perfect! Thanks so much for your input.


Vibhav Gaur
Vibhav Gaur 2021-6-21
writecell(c, 'c.csv')

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2013-4-5
编辑:Azzi Abdelmalek 2013-4-5
use csvwrite functionn
  2 个评论
Jon 2013-4-5
csvwrite only works on numeric arrays, not cell arrays with strings and numbers
Youcef Yahiaoui
Youcef Yahiaoui 2015-9-19
Azzi,good to see your comments here. I usually use fprintf(fid...) for the first header lines then use csvwrite with the option -append...


Zumbo_123 2016-1-7
Alternatively, you could use the method developed by Sylvain Fiedler. Below is the link to the file. It works with empty cells, numeric, char, string and logical cells. One array can contain all of them, but only one value per cell.

Peter Farkas
Peter Farkas 2017-10-9
Convert to table and use writetable function T = cell2table(c(2:end, :)); T.Properties.VariableNames = c(1:end, :); writetable(T, res.csv);

Aaron Thrasher
Aaron Thrasher 2018-4-20

I came to this page looking for an answer and found that all solutions were very slow for large arrays that include numeric and char based cell arrays of non-standard combinations. Instead, I created my own based off of previous comments and other research. I hope this helps someone as it has helped me reduce the time significantly.

function cellWrite(filename,origCell)
% save a new version of the cell for reference
modCell = origCell;
% assume some cells are numeric, in which case set to char
iNum = cellfun(@isnumeric,origCell);
%% Method 1 using indexing and straight conversion = 7 sec
modCell(iNum) = cellstr(num2str([origCell{iNum}]'));
% toc
%% Method 2 using arrayfun = 25 sec
% tic
% modCell(iNum) = arrayfun(@num2str,[origCell{iNum}],'unif',0);
% toc
% tic
[rNum,cNum] = size(origCell);
frmt = repmat([repmat('%s,',1,cNum-1),'%s\n'],1,rNum);
fid = fopen(filename,'w');
  2 个评论
Aaron Thrasher
Aaron Thrasher 2018-4-20
Correction to the code - the cell needs to be transposed before writing because the data is written left to right vs. matlab reading cell top down.


Yoram Segal
Yoram Segal 2018-8-27
convert the cell to a table and save the table as CSV
TT = array2table(C,'VariableNames',{'abc' 'def' 'ghk'});
To read it back you can use TT = readtable(filename)

TripleSSSS 2019-4-4
Matlab now support write from cell array to file
please check: writecell


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