Efficient use of 16 cores

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Alessandro Murgia
Alessandro Murgia 2020-12-28
评论: Robert 2021-5-7
I just bough a new processor, with 16C/32T (Ryzen 9 5950X).
Could you tell me how to set the number of workers to better exploit all the capabilities of the CPU?
I saw I can start parallel pools on 20 workers, then Matlab returns an error if I try to increase this number.
Should I set it equal to the number of cores (i.e. 16)?
Thank you very much
  1 个评论
Robert 2021-5-7
Would you mind posting the MATLAB bench(3) for this CPU? I'm interested in purchasing the 5950x as well. Thanks.


回答(1 个)

Mario Malic
Mario Malic 2020-12-28
编辑:Mario Malic 2020-12-28
Maximum number of workers is equal to maximum number of physical cores in your CPU. In your case it's 16.


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