fsurf(f, [-10 10 -10 10])
fsurf(f, [-10 10 4 6]) % or this
You’ll notice that the z value of the function is 0 along the line y=5. This is also the reason why you see a straight line when using fimplicit. It plots the solution to f(x,y)=0 which in this case is y=5.
You can verify this by evaluating the following expressions:
vpa(subs(f,[x y],[4 5]))
vpa(subs(f,[x y],[-1e4 5]))
vpa(subs(f,[x y],[1e4 5]))
These three expressions evaluate the function value at (4,5) , (-10000, 5) and (10000, 5) respectively. The large values should give you an indication of how slowly the function value deviates from 0 along y=5.