libeng.dll problem with using Matlab to C/C++

15 次查看(过去 30 天)
First, I am using Windows 10 pro 64bit, visual studio 2019, and Matlab R2020b.
I wanted to use Matlab in C++ and followed the common ways of the Internet.
The following error occurred when debugging.
error : "The program can't start because libeng.dll is missing form your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem"
The first way I followed the link's solution, but it wasn't solved.(
The second method downloaded 'libeng.dll' from the Internet and copied it to "C:\Windows\System32", "C:\Windows\SysWOW64", but the following error occurred.
error : "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application."
To solve the error 0xc000007b, I decided to use the Dependency Walker to see if there was a problem with the libeng.dll.
I don't know why, but on my computer, the Defendency Walker didn't work and I used the open-source Modern Defense Walker. (
The libeng.dll on System32 and SysWOW64 was scanned, but no problems were found.
And I checked the .exe file of the project, I found that 'libmx.dll' and 'libeng.dll' are the problems.
What should I do here?

回答(1 个)

Srishti Sahni
Srishti Sahni 2022-5-18
This error indicates that the file libeng.dll is missing from your MATLAB installation directory.
This can occur if certain antivirus software is installed (Webroot, etc.) and it quarantines the file.
To resolve the issue, open the antivirus software and restore the quarantined file libeng.dll.


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