How to make ptr during the gagerr process??

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to know the ptr value by gagarr but I cannot understand the syntax about the PTR.
'Help' says that we can know that by adding parameter 'spec' which is the two element vector. In this point I can't understand the syntax.
Somebody could help me or give some examples how to get PTR please.

回答(1 个)

Uday Pradhan
Uday Pradhan 2021-1-12
Referring to the documentation page of gagerr, I can give you an example as follows:
%to display the ptr value, we need to provide a name value pair for spec, something like:
gagerr(y,{part, operator},'randomoperator',true,'spec',[1 2])
Following 'spec' you must give the lower and upper limit of the process as a two - element vector just like I have provided above as [ 1 2 ]. For the example given on the documentation page, I get output as:
Columns 1 through 5
{'Source' } {'Variance' } {'% Variance' } {'sigma' } {'5.15*sigma' }
{'Gage R&R' } {[ 0.971542729463783]} {[ 99.2652690112843]} {[ 0.985668671239876]} {[ 5.07619365688536]}
{' Repeatability' } {[ 0.953483068176294]} {[ 97.4200623295928]} {[ 0.976464575996638]} {[ 5.02879256638268]}
{' Reproducibility'} {[ 0.0180596612874893]} {[ 1.84520668169142]} {[ 0.134386239204352]} {[0.692089131902412]}
{' Operator' } {[ 0.0180596612874893]} {[ 1.84520668169142]} {[ 0.134386239204352]} {[0.692089131902412]}
{'Part' } {[0.00719106045153992]} {[0.734730988715743]} {[0.0848001205868242]} {[0.436720621022144]}
{'Total' } {[ 0.978733789915323]} {[ 100]} {[ 0.989309754280894]} {[ 5.0949452345466]}
Column 6
{'% 5.15*sigma' }
{[ 8.5716450504891]}
{0×0 char }
Number of distinct categories (NDC):0
% of Gage R&R of total variations (PRR): 99.63
Precision-to-tolerance Ratio (PTR): 5.08
Note: The last column of the above table does not have to sum to 100%
I hope this clears your confusion regarding the syntax.


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