Problems running gpuArray function - CUDA driver

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all,
I have the following code lines execuding an error message:
>> size(img)
ans =
215 205 156 8
>> img_gpu = gpuArray(img);
Unable to load CUDA driver. The library name used was nvcuda.dll. The error was:
nvcuda.dll is not a valid Win32 application.
Update or reinstall your GPU driver. For more information on GPU support, see GPU Support by Release.
I have updated my GPU driver and installed the CUDA Toolkit 11.2 on my Windows 10 with a Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620. I have Matlab 2020a for 64-bit.
I found the similiar problem documented here.
Can somone recommend me a solution?

回答(2 个)

Matt J
Matt J 2021-1-12
Make sure you've rebooted the computer after the installation.
  1 个评论
Patrick Lehmann
Patrick Lehmann 2021-1-12
Yes, I have tried that several times. I have a feeling that my GPU is maybe not suitable for this application.


Catalytic 2021-1-12
Matlab R2020a requires CUDA Toolkit 10.1.
  3 个评论
Patrick Lehmann
Patrick Lehmann 2021-1-12
I have tried that, rebooted and it still doesn't work. I also want to point out again, that I have a GPU by Intel



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