When working with symbolic expressions in MATLAB, you might find it necessary to extract the coefficients of specific variables, ensuring that even those variables which are not present in the expression are accounted for, with a zero coefficient. To accomplish this, the coeffs function of Symbolic Math Toolbox can be a valuable tool.
Firstly, you need to define the symbolic variables and equations involved as follows.
Then you can write a function to extract the coefficients. Kindly note that you need to take care of the use cases as mentioned below to eliminate any logical errors in the code.
- Case 1: When the mathematical expression has a single term. For instance, x, 4*z etc.
- Case 2: When the mathematical expression has more than one term. For instance, x-20, 4*z-3*x-5 etc.
I am attaching the code snippet below for your reference.
coeffs_eq1 = extractCoefficients(eq1, vars);
coeffs_eq2 = extractCoefficients(eq2, vars);
coeffs_eq3 = extractCoefficients(eq3, vars);
disp('Coefficients for eq1 (2*x=0):');
disp(['x: ', num2str(coeffs_eq1(1)), ', y: ', num2str(coeffs_eq1(2)), ', z: ', num2str(coeffs_eq1(3))]);
disp('Coefficients for eq2 (z=50000):');
disp(['x: ', num2str(coeffs_eq2(1)), ', y: ', num2str(coeffs_eq2(2)), ', z: ', num2str(coeffs_eq2(3))]);
disp('Coefficients for eq3 (x+y-3*z==23):');
disp(['x: ', num2str(coeffs_eq3(1)), ', y: ', num2str(coeffs_eq3(2)), ', z: ', num2str(coeffs_eq3(3))]);
function coff = extractCoefficients(eq, vars)
expr = lhs(eq) - rhs(eq);
coff = zeros(1, length(vars));
[cof,term] = coeffs(expr, vars(i));
Operators = operators(cellfun(@(op) contains(char(expr), op), operators));
if contains(string(expr),string(vars(i)))
This will address your query. If you have any concerns, drop a comment and I will be glad to assist you further.