Installing MinGW compiler with the download only option

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to install the MinGW compiler on a PC with a restricted internet connection on Matlab 2017b. With this PC I cannot access and navigate the Add-on manager.
Using my personal laptop I downloaded mingw.mlpkginstall from here. I also run it on my laptop, found MinGW on the add-on manager and selected the "Download only" option, since it has to be installed on another PC.
The readme.txt file included in the package states
The interactive installer will start MATLAB and then the installer in a separate window. The
executable takes a single argument; the path to the location of the previously downloaded
files. All available support packages in the specified download folder are presented.
In a command prompt, type the following:
a. Windows
cd DRIVE:\<MATLAB_PATH>\bin\win64
install_supportsoftware.exe -archives <path_to_download_folder> [-matlabroot DRIVE:\MATLAB_PATH]
Having copied the files in the aforementioned PC, in Windows command prompt I typed
cd D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017b\bin\win64
install_supportsoftware.exe -archives D:\users\MyUser\Downloads\MathWorks\SupportPackages\R2017b
Matlab starts and shows me this error pop-up: There are no compatible support packages available to install from this location. I am sure I am referring to the correct path.
How can I solve this problem?

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