plotting a pie chart

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi I am Having trouble getting this chart to come up, I want to plot a pie chart showing the name of the country and what piece of the pie it takes up, this is my code so far..
countries= [ US Mexico Canada Cuba Guatemala DominicanRepublic ElSalvador];
pop= [309975000 108396211 34207000 11204000 14377000 10225000 6194000];
total= sum(pop);
percentage= pop/total;
% Create a pie chart with sections 3 and 6 exploded figure;
explode = [0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0];
pie(percentage, explode, countries);
% Add title
Thank you
  1 个评论
AngelsaAtWar 2013-4-10
It keeps giving me an error on the first set of data...the names



the cyclist
the cyclist 2013-4-11
This works (although will need some refinement, which will be obvious when you run the code).
I did a couple things. I converted your countries variable to a cell array. Also, your explode variable was length 8, so I arbitrarily took off the last zero.
countries= {'US','Mexico','Canada','Cuba','Guatemala','Dominican Republic','El Salvador'};
pop= [309975000 108396211 34207000 11204000 14377000 10225000 6194000];
total= sum(pop);
percentage= pop/total;
% Create a pie chart with sections 3 and 6 exploded figure;
explode = [0 0 1 0 0 1 0];
pie(percentage, explode, countries);
% Add title
  2 个评论
AngelsaAtWar 2013-4-11
thank you, I see now, I appreciate it and good catch on the extra variable in the expolde. I probably would have never caught it
still this code does not run


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