Number of k-stars in an adjacency matrix

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all,
I have an nxn adjacency matrix of a graph and want to know the number of unique 2-stars, 3-stars and triangles in the graph, is there a function I can use to do this or do code my own method?
I have to code my own method any advise on how to proceed would be appreciated.
Thank you

回答(1 个)

Gaurav Garg
Gaurav Garg 2021-1-28
Hi Daniel,
Even though you can find such patterns easily in 1-D arrays by converting them to strings (link1 and link2), it would be better if you can write such pattern funcitons for 2-D arrays.
for i=1:r
for j=1:c
answer = check_for_triangle(i,j);
function check_for_triangle(r, c)
is_present = false;
if A(r,c) == 1
if A(r+1,c) == 1 & A(r+1,c+1) == 1
if A(r+2,c) == 1 & A(r+2,c+1) == 1 & A(r+2,c+2) == 1
is_present = true;
The above given pseudo-code is an example of how you can write code pattern to check for a triangle in a binary adjacency matrix.


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