How to use fprintf for a symbolic matrix

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have this :
syms n2 n1 R d ;
RS = [1, 0; -(n2-n1)/(n2*R), n1/n2];
P1 = [1, d ; 0, 1];
RF = [1, 0; 0, n2/n1];
Lplanoconvexe = RF*P1*RS;
I want to use fprintf to print my matrix 2x2 like a normal matrix and not on a single line like I have with this command : fprintf('%s', Lplanoconvexe.')

回答(1 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-2-1
Try this:
syms n2 n1 R d ;
RS = [1, 0; -(n2-n1)/(n2*R), n1/n2];
P1 = [1, d ; 0, 1];
RF = [1, 0; 0, n2/n1];
Lplanoconvexe = RF*P1*RS;
C = sym2cell(Lplanoconvexe);
fprintf('%30s\t%30s\n', C{:})
(d*(n1 - n2))/(R*n2) + 1 (n1 - n2)/(R*n1)
(d*n1)/n2 1


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