3D Plot of 2D sim

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Jamie Al
Jamie Al 2021-2-3
编辑: Jamie Al 2022-1-19
I have the following code. The code works for me now and it provides a 2D plot, however I am trying to plot a 3D plot. So an example would be like this:
Do you have sugesstions to do this in MATLAB? Thanks
%Start setting up constants
% Compute the cyclotron frequency and radius (Larmor radius)
omega = (charge .*B(3)) ./mass;
rL = v(2) ./omega; % try v(2) as well since initial v is the perp velocity to B
X = zeros(n,3); % initialize an array of zeros with size nx3 for positions
for time = 1:1:n
%compute the t vector
%compute the s vector
% start the Boris algorithm:
% First half E acceleration: generally for E =/0 ande B =/0
% First half B rotation
% Second hald B rotation
% Second half E acceleration
% Finally update position
% plotting
plot(X(:,1),X(:,2),'k','Linewidth',2); hold on;
ylabel('$ y / d_{\rm p} $','Interpreter','Latex','Fontsize',14);
xlabel('$ x / d_{\rm p} $','Interpreter','Latex','Fontsize',14);


David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson 2021-2-3
编辑:David Goodmanson 2021-2-3
Hi Lujain,
After setting v = [0 1 1] to provide some initial z velocity,
grid on
and note that if you put the mouse cursor inside the window and click on the symbol with the circle enclosing the cube, you can rotate the plot with a click-hold mouse.

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