Using parfor with a 3d array

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
oceanmod 2021-2-3
评论: oceanmod 2021-2-3
I am trying to update a 3d array within a parfor loop. The actual code is too messy to reproduce here but the snippet of code below conveys what I am trying to do (but unable to).
a = zeros(5,5,10):
parfor t = 1:ntimes;
temp = randn(5,5); % In my actual code, this is some meaningful quantity that depends on the loop variable 't'
for k = 1:10;
a(:,:,k) = a(:,:,k) + randn(5,5);
I get an error saying matlab is unable to classiy the variable 'a'.
Is there a way I can fix this?

回答(1 个)

Matt J
Matt J 2021-2-3
A variable in a parfor loop must belong to one of 5 categories. I cannot tell from your simplified example which category a is supposed to belong to (and neither can parfor), but the table here should help you decide:
  6 个评论
Matt J
Matt J 2021-2-3
You cannot index or subscript a reduction variable.
oceanmod 2021-2-3
Ah, got it. Thanks again!



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