Plotting Audio signal in terms of Frequency changes

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Hi I use the following code to create an audio signal that moves up and down in frequency from 200-700Hz:
frequency = freq;
Fs = 8192;
T = 1/Fs;
tmax = 40;
f1 = 200; % initial frequency in chirp
f2 = 700; % final frequency in chirp
tfinal = 1/frequency; % Duration of the period
amplitude = 0.25; % Amplitude of Signal
tHALF = 0:T:(tfinal/2 - T); % Half the time function
y = []; % Creates empty matrix for our auidio signal 'y'
y = chirp(tHALF,f1,tHALF(end),f2,'linear');
I simply want to to create a new data file using my sinewave that will show me the changes from data point to data point in terms of the frequencies (200-700), i.e my new data file will show values ranging from 200-700.
I know this may be a basic question but I have not done any audio analysis before and any help would be really appreciated.
thanks in advance,

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